Friday, August 30, 2013


Yesterday morning I was sitting in physical therapy, icing my knees and feeling pretty damn sorry for myself.  Thanks to IT band bursitis, a right meniscus tear and a little thing called Patella Femoral Syndrome in both knees, I haven't been able to truly workout in about a month.  My knees constantly ache, and I have been in discomfort and slight pain more often than not this summer. 

So I'm sitting there, hurting after finishing all my PT exercises for the day, and I started watching a middle-aged couple in the room with me, who are sitting at a table with a occupational therapist.  The woman, who was the wife of the patient, had a nervous, apprehensive look on her face.  She seemed tense and uncomfortable and worried...a look I've seen too many times before.  The look of watching someone you love go through a horrible illness, and trying to be strong for them and cope with all you're taking in.

A pillar in the room was blocking my view of the therapist and the man, but I could hear her speak to him.  "Take this pen," she said.  "Today, I want to work on writing your name."  She then started to explain to the couple about Parkinson's Disease, and losing the basics that you and I take for granted.  Like the ability to write your own name.

I thought about this in the car ride home.  I thought about this while eating lunch.  I thought about this when checking my email, taking a shower, and cleaning up my house.  I thought about this all day long.  Here I was feeling sorry for myself because my knees were sore, and this man sitting a few feet away from me could no longer write his own name.

In the past few weeks, I've had a lot of time to think.  A bit too much time.  I've been thinking of the things that have not been going right lately, and things that have been hard and sad.  But I've also been thinking a lot about the kind of person I want to keep striving to be.  Someone that is kind and caring and loving and strong.  And someone that shows great gratitude towards life.  I know I have much to learn and much to work on to become that better version of myself, and so I am grateful that I have days like this.  Days that wake me up to my selfish moments and help me realize just how much I have to be thankful for.  I am blessed and fortunate, and I am thankful for the lessons I learn to keep me in check and keep me moving forward.

Just some deep thoughts I'll be taking into the weekend with me.  I hope you enjoy yours!

1 comment:

  1. Keep moving forward. It looks good on you!
    Love, Aunt Barb
