Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Healthier Lifestyle

Baked Cod with Olives and Capers

Almost seven years ago, my father passed away after a long battle with prostate cancer.  During those years of his sickness and a few years after his death, I struggled to deal with my I didn't leave my bed, and when I did, I partied and I ate.  A lot.  In about a course of five years, I managed to gain about 40 pounds and was constantly sick.  I was physically and mentally rundown and very unhealthy.  It was a few months after my 30th birthday when I finally decided that enough was enough, and I slowly but surely started to make changes.

But it hasn't been until the past year when I have really stepped up my health and fitness regimen and it has finally started to pay off.  I hired a personal trainer and wake up at 4:30 AM to hit the gym with him.  (p.s., Tony is a badass, but more on him later).  I have cut back my partying ways to where I rarely drink now--maybe about twice a month, if that.  I've found that I'm still fun and can have a great night out, even without a drink constantly in my hand.  Who knew?  I have started to really watch closely what I eat, which includes trying to stick to a Paleo diet.  Not only has this all helped me feel better, but the weight is finally coming off!  I'm down around 25 pounds from my highest, but still have 15 pounds to go to reach my goal.  Even though the road is still slow and sometimes incredibly frustrating, I know I will eventually get there! 

Paleo is pretty simple--I basically only eat meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts and healthy fats.  No breads, dairy, or sugar allowed.  The first 30 days I was 100% loyal to this plan, as a way to detox myself.  Now, I follow the plan about 80% of the time, which is recommended for living the Paleo lifestyle after the initial 30 day period.  Occasionally, I will have a piece of pizza, or some sweets, or snack on my favorite Cheez-Its.  However, I find now that when I do eat these foods, I don't always feel so hot afterwards, so it's not worth the comfort it once brought to me.

Anyway, Sunday night I made a simple and delicious Paleo dinner that I thought I would share.  Baked Cod with Olives and Capers (thanks Martha Stewart), with roasted asparagus and brussels sprouts.  I usually cook bigger portions so I can eat whatever I cook for a few meals, and this recipe is perfect for two or for leftovers.  Delicious and easy--perfect for a busy girl like me who's trying to stay healthy!

What are some of your favorite Paleo recipes?

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