Monday, September 9, 2013

Weekend Wrap-Up

This weekend was incredibly low-key...apparently just what I needed.  My hives decided they didn't want to go away, so I went to my doctor and was put on some prescriptions strength steroids and anti-histamines to knock these things out.  My doc also agreed that this was stress-induced, so we had a long talk about managing my stress.  Done, and working on it.

These drugs though are like a magic sleeping potion--the first day on them I was so loopy after about 30 minutes of taking them that I had to go to sleep...and woke up seven hours later.  And then slept a full night too.  That was pretty much the theme for the weekend, which I suppose was fitting considering that Monday starts back-to-school week in the Senate, and it looks like it will be a very busy fall.

So, on top of sleeping my way through the past few days, I did manage to do a few things.  I finally used my Groupon for Age Smart by Mirka, the best facialist in DC.  Seriously, this woman works miracles.  I accidentally found her through another Groupon when she was working at a salon in Georgetown, and have since followed her to her own practice in Bethesda.  If you go see her, tell her I sent you!

Of course, I watched my Hogs play too.  It was a little closer than most of us Razorbacks would have liked, but Arkansas is now 2-0.  Woo Pig!

The rest of the weekend was just checking off my to-do list--oil change, alterations, dry cleaners, laundry, some cleaning, grocery store--yawn, I know.  So, not a particularly exciting weekend, but I did manage to get a lot done, heal up, and stick to the cleanse.  Anyone do anything fun this past weekend?

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