Monday, January 6, 2014

Whole 30 Challenge

Last March, I decided to take the plunge on this crazy food challenge, and it ended up changing my life.  Spelled out in the book, "It Starts with Food" by Dallas & Melissa Hartwig, the Whole 30 challenge is a 30-day commitment to strict paleo eating.  No sugar, no dairy, no grains, no beans, no alcohol...and no cheating.  I won't lie, the first few days were definitely tough...I had pretty bad symptoms of the "carb flu"...but luckily, it only lasted a few days.  What happened after was pretty incredible--not only did I lose a few pounds (which is not really what this is all about), but the ways my body carried excess fat had shifted.  I was leaner and after 30 days, felt amazing.  I had more energy than I had felt in at least a decade, my skin cleared up, I was sleeping better, and my whole outlook on life had changed.  I was hooked.

Since then, I have pretty much stuck with the 80/20 paleo eating guidelines that are recommended after the 30-day challenge.  And then came December.  My birthday, Christmas, ridiculous late nights at work, holiday parties...I think that there were days that all I put in my body were cookies, bread, cheese and alcohol.  Not my best, and honestly, all that cheating has caught up with me. 

I had been talking to my sister for months now about trying it out, and she decided that today was the day to start.  Perfecting timing for me too, right?  Time to get back to business.  I'm excited and ready to get back on board and detox my body of all the junk I have put in it toward the end of 2013.  I would encourage anyone who has been thinking about taking the plunge to dive right in!  The first week or so might have you thinking that all of us devotees have lost our damn mind, but trust me, stick with it!  You will be thanking me in the end when you come out feeling more incredible than you have in years. 

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